Week 20: Wheat

25 lbs of Wheat (Red or White)

The goal for this week is 25 lbs of Wheat. After this week, you should have 75 lbs stored. The program goal is 200 lbs. We will address Wheat 5 more
times (in weeks 25, 35, 45, 48, and 50).

This is the 3rd of 8 weeks covering wheat. Please refer to the original modules from Week 2 and Week 10 for all the information on Wheat.

  • Week #2 Food Storage Module talks about the benefits of whole wheat, the differences between Red and White wheat, the differences between Soft and Hard wheat, how to store wheat, and it's shelf life.

  • Week #10 Food Storage Module talks about sprouting wheat, grinding wheat, and some wheat grinder options.

We recommend you go back and take a look if you have any questions. As we always say, if your family doesn't use wheat, then find a substitution and store it instead.

Page updated: 10/13/20