Week 12: White Sugar

15 lbs of White Sugar

The goal for this week is 15 lbs of White Sugar. After this week, you should have 30 lbs stored. The program goal is 40 lbs. We will address White
Sugar 1 more times (in week 28).

This is the second time we are covering sugar, and yes, there is one more coming. We first covered Sugar in Week 7. In that module we talked about the basics of sugar as well as how to store it.

In this module, we talk about sugar as being antibacterial. It's an interesting read.

Another thought: Many avoid refined sugars and other simple carbohydrates as a part of their daily diet, but we must also recognize sugar as a great source of instant fuel that might be quite valuable during times of distress. Not to mention sugar is a comfort food, which can actually help provide a mental uplift during tough times. So with this, if sugar is something you use, pick up another 15 lbs. If you do not use it, store something instead that you will use.

Sugar is Antibacterial???

Sugar is also antibacterial… While there is no replacement for a capable first aid kit nor professional medical attention, consider this: The next time you’re out camping (or in an emergency situation, hint hint) and you need to address a cut, grab some sugar (or honey) and pour it on the wound… Seriously! As stated earlier, sugar (and honey) is hygroscopic and through osmosis, kills bacteria. And this will keep infections down. Eventually, the sugar on the wound will begin to liquefy and eventually turns into a glazed runny substance. At this point, it is losing its hygroscopic ability along with its bacteria killing osmotic properties. When this happens, clean thoroughly and reapply sugar. This may have to be repeated several times. The use of sugar (and honey) on open wounds is deeply rooted into our history. Research shows, or at least suggests, that sugar and honey were used to treat the wounds of combatants thousands of years ago.

Unlike honey however, sugar doesn’t have the benefits of bees to create the disinfectant hydrogen peroxide. It also does not have the viscosity of honey which may make it difficult to keep the healing properties of sugar packed into the wound. So if given a choice between sugar and honey, grab the honey.

The U.S Army Field Manual 3-05.70 Survival:

Sugar— place directly on wound and remove thoroughly when it turns into a glazed and runny substance. Then reapply.

Honey— use it straight or dissolved in water.

Syrup— in extreme circumstances, some of the same benefits of honey and sugar can be realized with any high-sugar-content item.

Who knew???

Page updated: 10/13/20